۱- Fitzgerald RS, Rogus EM and Dehghani GA. Catecholamines and ۳-۵ cyclic AMP in carotid chemoreception in the cat. In: Tissue Hypoxia and Ischemia. Edt. M. Reivich, R. Coburn, S. Lahiri, B. Chance, New York, Plenum Press, ۱۹۷۷. pp. ۲۴۵-۲۵۸

۲- Fitzgerald, RS, Dehghani GA, Anand, A. Goldberg, AM. The failure of difference in neurally contained acetylcholine to explain differences between carotid body and aortic body chemoreception. Brain Res. ۱۷۶: ۱۷۶-۱۸۰, ۱۹۷۹.

۳- Fitzgerald, RS and Dehghani GA. Neural responses of the cat carotid and aortic bodies to hypercapnia and hypoxia. J. Appl. Physiol. ۵۲: ۵۹۶-۶۰۱, ۱۹۸۲.

۴- Dehghani GA, Fitzgerald RS and Mitzner W. The role of peripheral arterial chemoreceptors in the cardiovascular responses of the cat to acute systemic hypoxia. In: Chemoreceptors in Respiratory Control, edited by J. A. Ribeiro and D. J. Pallot, London, Croom Helm, pp. ۲۰۹-۲۱۵, ۱۹۸۷.

۵- Fitzgerald, RS and Dehghani GA. Chemoreceptor control of organ blood vascular resistance during acute systemic hypoxia. In: Chemoreceptors and Chemoreceptor Reflexes, edited by H. Acker, A. Trezebki, and R.C.O Regan, N.Y. Plenum Press pp. ۲۱۷-۲۲۲, ۱۹۹۰.

۶- Fitzgerald, RS, Dehghani GA, Sham JSK, and Shirahata M. Pulmonary hypoxic vasoconstrictor response- modulation by peripheral arterial chemoreceptors of pulmonary vasculature. In: Responses and adaptation to Hypoxia Organ to Organelle. edited by Lahiri, S., N.S. Cherniack, RS, Fitzgerald, N.Y., Oxford University press, ۲۰۲-۲۱۰, ۱۹۹۱.

۷- Dehghani GA. Hypoxia and its influences on the cardiovascular system of self-breathing cats. Iran J Med Sci. ۱۸(۱&۲): ۳۴-۳۹, ۱۹۹۳.

۸- Dehghani GA, Atapour N, Sotoodeh M and Omrani Gh R. The influence of vanadyl sulphate on islet cells, blood glucose, and insulin levels of normal and STZ-induced diabetic rats. Iran J Med Sci. ۱۷(۳&۴): ۱۶۳-۷۳ ۱۹۹۲ .

۹-Dehghani GA and Moosavi SM. Interactions of arterial chemoreceptors and pulmonary stretch reflexes in circulatory regulations in the cat. Iran J Med Sci. ۱۸(۳&۴): ۱۵۳-۱۵۸, ۱۹۹۴.

۱۰- Dehghani GA and Behaedini A. Hypoxia and its influences on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of spontaneously breathing cats. MJIRI. ۸(۱): ۴۳-۴۶, ۱۹۹۴.

۱۱- Dehghani GA, Atapour N, Sotoodeh M and Omrani GhR. Trophic effects of vanadyl sulphate on pancreatic beta cells of chronic partially streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Iran J Med Sci. ۱۹(۱&۲): ۲۳-۲۷, ۱۹۹۴.

۱۲- Dehghani. GA and Khoshbaten A. Cardiovascular responses to hypercapnia and varying levels of arterial pH in the anesthetized cat. MJIRI. ۹(۴): ۳۴۱-۳۴۵, ۱۹۹۶

۱۳- Dehghani. GA and Najafipour H. Metabolic acidosis and severe hypotension: Influence on survival time and shock period during hemorrhage in the cat. MJIRI: ۹(۳): ۲۴۷-۲۵۲, ۱۹۹۶.

۱۴- Dehghani GA, Ahmadi S and Omrani Gh R. Effects of vanadyl sulphate on glucose homeostasis in sever diabetic rats induced by STZ. Indian J Med Res. ۱۰۶: ۴۶۱-۴۶۵, ۱۹۹۷.

۱۵- Dehghani GA, Sotoodeh M and Omrani GhR. Trophic effects of vanadium on beta-cells of STZ-induced insulin dependent diabetic rats and evidence for long-term relief of diabetes mellitus. Indian J Med Res. ۱۱۰: ۷۰-۷۵, ۱۹۹۹.

۱۶-Dehghani GA. Effects of hypoxic and carbon monoxide-induced hypoxia on cardiovascular system and regional blood flow in the anesthetized cat. MJIRI: ۱۲(۴): ۳۷۱-۳۷۶, ۱۹۹۹.

۱۷-Eshtiaghi R, Omrani Gh R, Dehghani GA. Metabolic effects of vanadyl sulfate in type ۲ diabetic patients. Iran. J Endocrinol. Metab. ۲(۴): ۲۱۵-۱۹, ۲۰۰۱

۱۸- Dehghani GA, Mansoorzadeh S, Omrani Gh, Tabeei SZ. Effects of vanadyl sulphate on spermatogenesis in male rats. Iran J Med Sci. ۲۷(۲): ۹۵-۶, ۲۰۰۲.

۱۹-Dehghani GA, Parvizi MR, Sharif-kazemi MB, Anand A, Paintal AS, Rag H. Presence of lobeline-like sensations in exercising patients with left ventricular dysfunction. Respir Physiol & Neurobiol ۱۴۳: ۹-۲۰, ۲۰۰۴.

۲۰-Vakili A, Nekkoeian AA, Dehghani GA. L-NAME and ۷-Nitorindazole reduces brain injuries in transient focal cerebral ischemia in the rat. Iran J Med Sci. ۲۹(۳): ۱۰۹-۱۱۵, ۲۰۰۴.

۲۱-Dehghani GA, Sharif-kazemi MB, Parvizi MR, Anand A, Paintal AS, A comparison of respiratory (J) sensations induced by intravenous lobeline injection and produced by exercise in subjects with coronary artery disease. Arch Iranian Med, ۸(۱): ۳۶-۴۴, ۲۰۰۵

۲۲-Nekooeian AA, Vakili A, Dehghani GA. Pre-ischemic treatment of pentoxifylline
reduces infarct volumes in transient focal cerebral ischemia in the rat. Iran J Med Sci. ۳۰(۴): ۱۶۹-۱۷۳. ۲۰۰۵

۲۳-Vakili A, Nekooeian AA, Dehghani GA. Aminoguanidine reduces infarct volume and improves neurological dysfunction in transient model of focal cerebral ischemia in rat. Daru. ۱۴(۱): ۳۱-۳۶. ۲۰۰۶

۲۴- Monsefi M, Bahoddini A, Nazemi, S, Dehghani GA. Effects of noise exposure on the volume of adrenal gland and serum levels of cortisol in rat. Iran j Med Sci. ۳۱(۱): ۵-۸. ۲۰۰۶

۲۵-Panahpour H, Nekooeian, AA, Dehghani GA. Inhibition of angiotensin–converting enzyme reduces cerebral infarct size in experimental-induced focal cerebral-ischemia in the rat. Iran J Med Sci. ۳۲(۱) ۱۲۱۷. ۲۰۰۷

۲۶-Dehghani GA, Panahpour H. Inhibition of central Angiotensin-converting Enzyme improves neurological outcome, reduces cerebral infarction and edema of ischemia reperfusion injuries in the rat. Brain research (sent for publication)

۲۷-Dehghani GA, Panahpour H. Pretreatment of the rat with candesartan reduces cerebral infarct size. Neuroscience (sent for publication)

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